Sunday, September 10, 2006

Picnic time for Teddy Bears (and Pip Chicks)

We had a teensie bit of rain the morning of our picnic, but not enough to ruin our time together. In fact, once the clouds rolled away, it was an absolutely beautiful day with a hint of fall in the air. I just love this time of year! "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." ~ Albert Camus

We not only had great weather, we had great fun just visiting, catching up on summer vacation news, making plans for future fun'tions, and, of course, eating! (Lady Leilani shared chocolates and stories from her trip to Germany and Lady Prima Donna brought photos of her trip to Hawaii.)

Our newest Pip, Melinda Buhn, picked her Red Hat name, and will now be known as Duchess D'da. The other Pips at the picnic were Lady Rosebudd and myself, Queen Debbee.

The Teddy Bears had a great time as well and a few have expressed an interest in either joining our Red Hat chapter or starting their own.

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